Sunday, January 22, 2012

5 miles of hills

I severely underestimated the run I chose for Saturday. I took Bear and Huckleberry

to Briones Regional Park - a favorite hiking destination of theirs and mine. It was supposed to be a quick 4.5 mile loop. I knew there were a few hills that would make up for the .5 miles I was going to be short on mileage. It had rained the last couple of days, so I guessed it would be a little muddy.
It was supposed to be a quick 4.5 mile loop - it wasn't. In my defense, the first 2 miles were straight up. The rest of the run was straight down. It was muddy, windy, cold and wet. Bear and Huck LOVED it. Me? I would have had it not been for the 5lbs of mud per shoe I carried the whole way, or the wrong turn up the goat trail I made. I got back to the truck almost two hours later! Two hours! For a quick 4.5 mile loop. It was beautiful though, and now one day later I'm smiling to myself thinking "maybe I'll do my 8 mile there next weekend"

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