Saturday, January 14, 2012

I used to be a runner

With three marathons and a triathlon under my belt, I was fit, confident, proud.  Then a combination of a love of cooking, good wine, and a comfy couch changed all that.  Before I knew it I had traded in my running shoes for chardonnay and re-runs of Two and a Half Men.  A short three years later, I was no longer fit, I was slow.  No longer confident and proud, I was overweight and insecure.  I tried several times to get back into running, but I was embarrassed and discouraged.  I knew it would take years to get back to my previous level, so I would quit every time.  
No more.  No more quitting, no more excuses.  I don't have to be an uber-athlete to get out there again, get healthy and run across another finish line.  
I am a runner - a slow and fat one.  This is my journey.

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